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This is a fun site where I post my writing and art! I love doing MCU fanart and fanfics and hope to one day become a screenwriter/concept artist for marvel movies! I enjoy my work and love your input! Have fun and enjoy!

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"With great power, comes great responsibility."

Benjamin Parker

Home: Quote
  • Emma Helton

A Forbidden Art

Part I: Under the Weather

*one morning, Loki walks into the room sweaty and pale. There are dark shadows under his eyes. He coughs violently. Thor stands up*

Thor: Loki, it’s not like you to sleep so late. Are you feeling alright? You look ill.

Loki: I’m fine. Probably just stayed up too late last night.

Thor: You look awful!

Loki: You know we’re immune to Midgardian diseases. I’m fine!

*Thor brings his hand up and feels Loki’s forehead. He recoils*

Thor: Loki, you’re burning up!

*bruce cocks his head and stands up. He does the same and instantly recoils*

Bruce: That’s just unnatural!

*Loki coughs and shivers*

Loki: I’m sure you’re overreacting.

Thor: You don’t believe me, check for yourself!

*Thor walks up to the shelf and picks up a thermometer and holds it in Loki’s mouth. It rises rapidly*

Thor: 115 degrees Fahrenheit and rising... That isn’t normal, Loki. Like really not normal!

Loki: I’m fine, Thor.

Thor: Loki, if you care about me, you’ll go lie down. Please.

*Loki sighs*

Loki: Let me get breakfast first...

*Thor nods. Loki turns and heads to the kitchen. As he’s walking, Thor notices the fingertips on his left hand are tinted black*

Thor: Loki, is something wrong with your hand?

Loki: Hm? Oh, no.

*he covers his hand and enters the kitchen.*

Bruce: Should we tell him it’s already 12:00?

Thor: Nah, let him-

*they suddenly hear a loud thud and clang.*

Thor: Loki?!

*Thor runs into the kitchen. Loki is kneeling down in front of the counter and holding onto it with the hand that isn’t tinted black. He pants heavily*

Loki: Oh, dear... oh, dear...

Thor: Loki, are you alright?!

Loki: Yeah... just a cold flash...

Thor: It sounded worse than a cold flash, Brother...

Loki: Um... can you... can you give me a hand?

Thor: Of course.

*Thor helps his brother, who is soaked with cold sweat, up. Loki leans against him for support*

Thor: I’m beginning to think it may take more than a common cold to bring a warrior of Asgard to his knees... Please. Go lie down. I’ll bring you something to eat.

Loki: I’m perfectly... perfectly fine...

Thor: Please. You’re making me worry.

Loki: I... I’m not going to...

Thor: Come on. You need to rest.

*he leads Loki to his room. Loki mutters protests, but doesn’t fight. When they get there, Thor sits him down on his bed and has him lie down.*

Loki: I’m... fine...

Thor: Oh, Brother. You will always be the god of lies... but there’s nothing you can hide from me. Do you take me for a fool?

Loki: No... I take you for a blundering oaf...

*he covers Loki*

Thor: I’ll be right back.

Loki: I... can help...

Thor: By staying here...

*he heads out. When he returns, he’s carrying an armful of things. He sets down a basin of water on the nightstand, and a washcloth next to it. He hands Loki a bowl of cereal. He dips the washcloth in the basin and rubs Loki’s forehead with it. Loki barely touches his breakfast*

Thor: Loki, you aren’t eating.

Loki: I’m fine... I’m fine...

Thor: Why must you keep insisting that, Brother? You are obviously getting worse by the moment.

Loki: I’m fine... I probably just need to rest for a while...

*Thor sighs*

Thor: Then rest, Brother...

*the next day, Loki comes downstairs later than ever. He looks even worse. He’s as white as a sheet. The shadows under his eyes are darker. He’s sweaty and shaking. The black on his fingers has grown. He staggers to the kitchen. Thor follows him. Loki coughs and shivers. Thor pulls off his jacket and wraps it around Loki*

Thor: Here, Brother... let me help... are you going to eat this time?

Loki: I- I actually came down to get some tea... I’m sure we have something for fatigue...

Thor: I’ll get it.

Loki: That really isn’t necessary...

Thor: Nonsense.

*he begins to prepare the tea. Loki sighs and sits down. When Thor is done, he hands the cup to Loki. Loki takes a large sip. Thor turns to put up the pot and excess tea.*

Thor: That ought to do the trick. It was that energizing kind. Loki?

*he turns. Loki sits with his head in his hand, snoring. He’s out cold. Thor sighs.*

Thor: Still?

*Loki snores softly. He mutters in his sleep. It sounds like complete nonsense. But somehow, Thor feels as if he’s heard it before*

Loki: Harathmuti... baro...

*Thor sighs and smiles warmly. He takes the tea off the table and sets it in the sink. He grabs a cushion off a chair and puts it on the table. Thor moves Loki’s arm and gently lowers Loki’s head onto the pillow. He pulls the jacket up like a blanket*

Thor: Rest easy, Brother...

*he heads to the door. Before he exits, he turns off the lights.*

Part II: Secrets

*Later, Loki wakes to see Thor’s setup. He grins. He looks at the clock. It’s midnight. He sighs. He stands up and heads to his room. Thor is already asleep. Loki pulls the covers up on his brother. He turns to the bookshelf. He runs his hand along the third to top shelf until he sees the book “Shakespeare’s Collection”. He pulls it and steps back. The bookshelf slides out of the way like a door. It opens to a dark room. Loki sighs, bracing himself, and enters. The bookshelf closes behind him. As it slides into place a book falls from it and thuds on the floor. Thor wakes up with a start. He sits up and looks around. He sees the book and sighs. He stands and picks it up. As he’s about to put it back on the shelf, he hears a voice. Loki’s voice. It sounds like it’s coming from the other side of the wall. He listens*

Loki(distorted): Harathmuti baro noctu tornuti levitho... Harathmuti baro noctu tornuti levitho...

*Thor puts the book back and, shaking his head, turns and lies back down. He’s probably dreaming. The next morning, Thor wakes to see Loki sleeping in his own bed. Thor smiles and heads downstairs. But after several hours, Loki has still not come down. Thor looks at his watch. It’s 3:00 pm! He sighs and heads back upstairs. Loki is still in bed. Thor sighs and sits on the edge of his bed. He shakes Loki. Loki’s eyes open slightly*

Thor: I’m calling a doctor. More specifically, Doctor Strange.

*Loki moans. Thor dials a number on his phone, but, before Strange even picks up, a portal opens. Strange is in the other side, holding his phone*

Strange: Step into my office...

*Thor grins and sits Loki up. He helps Loki stand*

Loki: I... I don’t need to... see a doctor... I’m fine...

*they enter the portal. Thor sits Loki down*

Loki: I’m fine...

Strange: What seems to be the problem?

Thor: He’s been very sick for several days. And he’s only getting worse.

Strange: Hm...

*Loki stands up*

Loki: I assure you, I’m perfectly fine- oh, dear...

*his eyes roll up and he suddenly falls to the side. Before he hits the ground, Strange’s cape hops off his back, slides under Loki, and catches him. It sets him gently down on the floor and slips out from under him, rejoining Strange. Strange walks up and kneels down next to Loki. He rolls up Loki’s sleeve*

Strange: Oh, dear, indeed... Thor, check his other arm.

*Thor kneels down and rolls up Loki’s sleeve. He gasps. His veins are slowly turning black.*

Strange: He is much worse than he’s let on... I’m afraid you’ve brought him to me far too late... it’s his battle now...

Thor: Please... tell me what’s wrong with my brother...

Strange: I think it’s better he tells you...

*strange shakes him. His eyes open. When Loki seems to fully come to (or as much as he can), he mutters*

Loki: I’m... fine... just got a little... light headed...

Strange: Loki. No more secrets.

Loki: I haven’t... I haven’t any clue... what you speak of...

Strange: Loki!

Loki: Alright... alright... I... I... I’ve been using black magic...

Thor: So that’s what I heard last night... but why, Loki?

*Loki hesitates*

Loki: I... I’m trying to bring her back...

Thor: Who?

*Loki sighs*

Loki: Our... our mother... every night... I... try... every time it comes so close... I can see her... but it hurts... it hurts so much...

*he winces*

Loki: It...

*he trails off and passes out again*

Strange: The dark magic... it’s consuming him...

Part III: Parasite

*when Loki’s eyes open, his vision is blurry. Thor shakes him. He doesn’t seem to know he’s there*

Thor: Loki? Loki, snap out of it!

Strange: It’s no use...

*Thor sighs. Loki weakly lifts his, now entirely black, hand, just barely, but it falls again, and he loses consciousness.*

Thor: Why would you do this to yourself?

Strange: Love...

Thor: Pardon?

Strange: He did it out of love... I take it he and your mother were close?

Thor: Very... he’s only ever let a select few people into his heart... she was one...

Strange: And you are too, I presume...

*Thor nods.*

Strange: He knew the risks...

*there’s a long silence*

Thor: Strange?

Strange: Yes?

Thor: That isn’t normal, is it?...

*the darkness spreads up Loki’s arm. He mutters quietly*

Loki: Harathmu... b... baro... I won’t... I won’t do it... I’m fine... I’ll be... fine...

*Thor sighs*

Thor: He was never talking to me, was he?...

Strange: I’m afraid not... he was trying to keep it at bay... trying to deny it... he won’t give up on trying to find her... until it consumes him...

*Loki groans and winces. His eyes open slightly. His irises are slightly purple. He looks at Thor. His vision is distorted, as if looking through a heatwave. He mutters*

Loki: Thor...

*he shivers. Thor wraps his jacket around him once again. He feels his forehead. Almost as hot as a stove*

Thor: Oh, Loki...

*strange sighs*

Strange: I don’t know what to tell you. He’s in too deep. Just... take care of him... and hope a miracle befalls him...

*Thor sighs. Strange opens a portal back to HQ. He snaps his fingers and Loki slowly levitates off the ground. Loki mutters*

Loki: I can walk, Strange...

Strange: I sincerely doubt that, considering the fact you can’t even stay awake more than five minutes.

Loki: I despise you...

*strange walks through the portal and sets Loki on his bed. Strange summons a bottle and spoon and hands it to Thor*

Strange: Have him take this once a day. It should at least delay its spreading. Doctor’s orders.

*Thor nods and Strange leaves, the portal closing behind him. Thor pours a spoonful of the medicine Strange gave him and sits on the edge of Loki’s bed.*

Thor: Here. Take this.

Loki: No, I’m... I’m not taking the stupid medicine...

Thor: Don’t be stubborn.

Loki: It probably tastes bitter... I’m not... I’m not touching it...

*he shivers. Thor grabs his shoulder and tries to get him to take it*

Loki: I’m not taking anything that wannabe sorcerer gave-

*Thor sticks it in his mouth while he’s talking. Loki sighs and goes limp. His eyes close and Thor lays him down*

Thor: That’s it... hm. Strong stuff.

*that night, Loki wakes up. He looks at Thor, who is sleeping. He sits up unstably, and stands*

Loki: Forgive me, Brother... But I’ve come too far to turn back...

*he walks up to the bookshelf and pulls the book. The shelf slides to the side and he enters to see a pedestal with an ancient book on it, written in a lost language. In the center of the room, some kind of summoning circle is drawn on the floor. He approaches the book and begins to draw pure black energy from it. He extends one hand to the center of the room*

Loki: Turn back the hands of time... Return to me from beyond the borders of this mortal universe... I let the darkness consume me so you may once again walk these realms... come... follow my voice... return from oblivion!

*his eyes begin to glow and magic creeps up his arm*

Loki(distorted): Harathmuti baro noctu tornuti levitho... Harathmuti baro noctu tornuti levitho...

*a ghost of an image appears. It’s like a translucent silhouette of his mother. He reaches out*

Loki(distorted): Mother! I see you! Just hold on! Harathmuti baro noctu tornuti levitho!

*his voice weakens*

Loki(distorted): Hara... harathmuti... b... baro... noctu...

*the silhouette flickers. Loki is lightheaded. He feels horrible. He can barely see. He hears a distant voice. He turns to see Thor. Loki had left the door open.*

Thor: Loki?!

*Loki’s eyes roll up and he falls to the side. Thor runs up and catches him.*

Thor: Loki, you fool... Hold on...

*he stands up, carrying his brother’s limp figure in his arms*

Thor: Stark and Banner are pulling a late night in the lab. They’ll know what to do... I hope...

*Thor exits the room and heads to the lab. When he gets to the door he yells*

Thor: Stark! Banner!

*the door opens. Bruce and Tony are inside. And for some reason, Scott is there too. They’re probably picking his brain on the quantum realm again in exchange for junk food. When he sees Loki, Bruce’s eyes go wide.*

Bruce: Loki... set him on the table.

*Thor does so. Loki twitches and thrashes, every movement leaving behind a shadow*

Scott: He looks like Ghost...

Thor: I know he looks sick, but-

Scott: No, he looks like Ghost! He- he’s phasing. Leaving behind a projection of himself... he’s fading...

*Loki mutters*

Loki: No... hold on... I can... I can see you...

*he thrashes. He begins to mutter in a distorted voice*

Loki(distorted): Harathmuti baro noctu tornuti levitho...

Part IV: Just a Phase

Tony: His molecular stability is failing! Something is consuming him, l-like a parasite!

Scott: A quantum displacement. Hank told me about it. A large enough negative charge can destabilize his entire body! Tear him apart!

Thor: Does dark magic count as a negative charge?

Tony: I’d imagine it would have negative properties. But I’m sure there’s more to it.

Thor: So this is just a side affect?

Voice: A side affect of the massive energy intake... don’t worry. It shouldn’t last long.

*Thor turns. Strange stands in the doorway*

Strange: I put this off as long as I could... I didn’t want to worry you... but it’s time I explain what’s going on inside of him...

*he sighs*

Strange: I trust you know dark magic is a dangerous entity. It has the power to kill... to destroy... but what you may not know is it also has the power to create... to give life... but nothing it does comes without a heavy price... your brother foolishly believed he could control it... to resurrect a lost loved one... ironically I just experienced a robbery a few nights ago of one of the forbidden books of dark sorcery... on resurrecting the dead... I found this at the crime scene...

*he summons a dagger. One of Loki’s*

Tony: Loki robbed you? I thought he put that life behind him!

Strange: He did...

Thor: That’s why he was so hesitant to take the medicine you gave him. He was scared you were going to get back at him! He’s always been a bit... paranoid...

Strange: Please, I’m not so foolish as to poison someone who’s already been poisoned...

Thor: What?

Strange: Dark magic, when used, can do many things. It starts by infiltrating the vessel. Loki gave it an opening when he tried to summon your mother from beyond the borders of oblivion. It weakened him. Causing the symptoms you saw to fester.

*Loki turns on his side and shakes. Thor sighs and grunts. He opens a shelf and grabs a blanket and hot water bottle. He covers Loki’s shivering figure, and places the hot water bottle underneath the blanket. Loki still shudders*

Strange: It is no use. I’m afraid the cold tormenting your brother goes much deeper than the skin... After it weakened him it began to spread through his veins. Slowly destroying the light inside him... each time he went back to try again he let more of the darkness in... Multiplying it’s power over him... the light in him is rapidly fading... and when it does...

*he sighs*

Strange: The darkness will consume him...

Thor: You mean to tell me it’s a living thing?

Strange: Well, no... Sort of?... It’s... complicated. It’s like a parasite... it seeks to consume its host... but it has no consciousness, n-no will... and it’s only a matter of time until it...

*Loki’s eyes open weakly. He winces*

Loki(struggling): Thor... Help... me...

Thor: Loki, I’m here...

Loki(struggling): Brother... it hurts...

Thor: Hold on.

*Loki’s eyes shine with fear*

Loki(struggling): What’s... happening... to me?...

*he shakes with bloodcurdling cold*

Bruce: Poor guy...

Strange: It’s getting worse... soon... it will kill him...

Thor: Oh, Brother...

*he feels his forehead. Loki sighs. His cold hand feels good on his splitting headache. He moans weakly*

Loki: If I must die... I’m glad it’s by your side... big... brother...

Thor: No... you aren’t dying on me again... even if I have to care for you every waking moment...

*Loki smiles. He begins to chuckle softly, tears coming out of his eyes*

Loki: I was such a fool...

Thor: Loki...

Loki: I risked my life to resurrect her... when this whole time... she was right in front of me...

Thor: What do you mean?

Loki: She’s still alive... in you... has anyone ever told you... you have your mother’s smile?...

*Thor sighs and grins sadly*

Loki: See... right there... you and her... both smile... when others... can... cannot...

*he coughs and sighs. His eyes close.*

Part V: Delirium

*later, Loki is lying in his bed. He looks worse than ever. By now, he’s stopped phasing, but he’s weak. Very weak. Thor enters the room carrying a bowl of soup and spoon, with a wet washcloth draped over his arm. He sits down next to Loki’s bed*

Thor: Here, Loki. You need to eat.

*he tries to feed Loki, but he turns away.*

Thor: Loki... please...

*Loki looks up at him uncomprehendingly. For the past few hours, his fever has affected his ability to think clearly. He sits up slightly and allows Thor to give him the soup*

Thor: How are you feeling?

*Loki doesn’t respond. His eyes have glassed over. Thor sighs. Loki’s eyes close slightly. He sees something Thor cannot. Vivid hallucinations*

Loki: No... please... Thor...

*Thor sighs. It was only a matter of time until the delirium started. He had suspected it when Loki started acting loopy*

Thor: I’m here...

*Loki coughs violently. He mumbles delusionally*

Loki: Thor... he’s going to... he’s going to come... for me...

Thor: There’s no one there, Loki... it’s just your fever...

Loki: He wants it... he... he wants the... the tesseract...

*Thor sighs*

Thor: Thanos is gone, Brother... just rest... I’m here...

Loki: Please... don’t let him...

*Thor lays him back slowly*

Loki: Don’t... don’t let...

Thor: Sleep...

*Thor can tell Loki is unsuccessfully fighting sleep in his delusional panic. He wants to stay awake to protect Thor against the nonexistent threat. But it’s futile. He’s far too sick*

Loki: Thor... no... no...

*his eyes close as Thor covers him, and he slips into a worried slumber.*

Thor: I’m here now... don’t be afraid...

*Loki seems to relax. There’s a knock at the door.*

Thor: Come in...

*the door opens. Bruce walks in*

Bruce: Hey...

Thor: Hey...

*Loki stirs. Thor pulls the covers up over Loki’s shoulder. Loki mutters*

Loki: He’s... coming... can’t st... stop him...

Bruce: Let me guess. Fever dreams?

Thor: Yep.

Bruce: Thanos?

*at the sound of his name, Loki stirs*

Thor: Yep.

Bruce: Hallucinating, I assume?

Thor: Nailed it.

Bruce: What’s his temperature?

Thor: Inhumanly high.

Bruce: Hm. What else is new?

*Thor sighs*

Thor: I’m worried for him, Bruce... he’s in pain... he’s scared... confused... all around miserable...

Bruce: Yeah. I remember one time in Brazil, my dog got really sick. Thought I was gonna have to put him down. He was my only friend. He was crying and thrashing. He would howl all night. I was worried. But, miraculously, he recovered, and stayed by my side until I had to flee Brazil. I guess what I’m saying is, things happen... but sometimes, they also work themselves out.

Thor: I hardly see how a dog relates to my brother, but... I get the point...

*Loki mutters so quietly Thor can just barely hear it*

Loki: No... Th... Thor...

*Thor gently rubs his arm. Loki sighs. Suddenly, Peter runs into the room.*

Peter: Mr. Thor! I heard what happened! Is- oh...

*he looks to see Loki, still asleep, slightly grimacing from discomfort. Beads of sweat shine on his brow, matting his untidy hair against his face. He’s as white as a sheet, and has incredibly dark circles under his eyes. His hands, which he’s subconsciously holding in front of his chest, are black as night. He looks confused and distressed. His already sweaty face is tearstained. He’s now, after stirring again, curled up in the fetal position and shaking. Probably having a horrific fever dream. He mumbles something about Thanos*

Peter: He’s not looking so hot.

Thor: Quite the contrary, he’s burning up.

Peter: It’s a- never mind.

*peter sighs uncomfortably. He kneels down by Loki*

Peter: Mr. Loki... don’t you worry. Mr. Thor’s gonna figure this out... he always does... he has to...

*Loki’s eyes barely open, before he passes out again. Thor sighs. They’re all depending on him.*

Part VI: Old Habits Die Hard

*Late that night, Loki tosses and turns. Suddenly, his eyes open. They shine purple once again. Without thinking, he stands up. He begins to stagger to the bookshelf in a trancelike state. But, just as he’s about to pull the book, an unnatural, ghastly cold sweeps over him. His eyes roll up and he collapses, catching himself on the shelf weakly. After a second, he feels someone lift him up*

Thor: Alright. To bed with you...

Loki: Wha...

*Thor drags him to his bed and lays him down. He covers him*

Thor: Now no more black magic. You need to rest. I can’t help you if you don’t let me.

*Loki mutters*

Loki: I... saw him... he... he’s coming... Mother.... Where’s... Mother...

Thor: Mother... Mother’s fine...

Loki: Keep... her... s... safe... from... from him...

Thor: Rest, Brother. You need your strength. Trust me, when your fever’s gone, it will all go away.

Loki: The... the tesseract... he’ll find me... I can’t... stop it...

Thor: Shh... that’s it... it’s late... and you’re tired... just rest your tired eyes...

*Loki’s eyes close, and he is helplessly lulled by his brother’s whispering. Thor smiles. He misses his brother’s usual mischievous demeanor, but he does enjoy being able to take care of him when he needs it without his usual protests. He sighs*

Thor: Sleep tight...

*he sighs and looks at his phone. He picks it up and begins to text Strange. It reads: “Hey, Strange. I know it’s late, but Loki just woke me up trying to summon her again. Only I don’t think it was him. He was in some kind of trance. And when I snapped him out of it, he didn’t know where he was. It was like he was sleepwalking, but awake. On another note, he’s been having nonstop fever dreams about Thanos. And when he’s awake he has hallucinations. He’s delirious. He’s very confused. And scared. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. I think he thinks our mother is still alive. He keeps rambling about Thanos coming and wanting me to get her to safety. He’s getting worse. So much worse. I’m getting worried. Please respond when you get this.” Thor sighs. All the sudden, a little speech bubble with three dots in it appears. Strange is typing a reply. Why is he up so late? After a moment, it comes through: “That doesn’t sound good. I’m not all that surprised about the fever dreams and hallucinations, considering his temperature, but the ‘sleepwalking’ may be a cause of concern. We may have a problem on our hands. Keep an eye on him. I’ll come in the morning.”*

Loki: Mother... don’t... don’t go...

Thor: It’s alright...

*Thor sighs. The following morning, Thor paces the room waiting rather impatiently for Strange. He had been up most of the night trying to soothe Loki. Suddenly, a portal opens and Strange walks in. Without even talking, he sweeps over to Loki. He shakes him awake. Loki’s eyes barely open. They look exhausted and confused. The circles under his eyes are darker than ever. Staring blankly into the distance, he mumbles*

Loki: Wha...

Strange: Hm.

*Strange feels his forehead. Loki, who is becoming increasingly confused and scared due to his rapidly rising fever, calls weakly for his brother*

Loki: Thor...

Strange: It’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you.

*Loki whimpers and flails his arms weakly, trying to shield himself from the nonexistent threat. Thor notices, instead of shielding his face, he shields his chest.... right over the heart.... he’s not trying to save himself. He’s trying to protect his family from himself!*

Loki: No... no... please... not again...

Thor: Stop! You’re scaring him! He thinks you have the scepter!

Strange: What?

Loki: Please... don’t... not that... Please...

*Thor sighs and bends down next to him*

Thor: Hey. It’s alright... it’s gone... it was destroyed... it can’t get to you anymore... you’re safe...

Loki: No... please... Thor... help...

Thor: It’s alright...

Loki: Please... please... Mother... where’s... M... Mother...

Thor: Mother’s fine... just rest...

*Loki‘s eyelids begin to droop drowsily*

Thor: That’s it... You’re alright... you’re safe... nothing bad will happen... just close your eyes...

Loki: He... he’s going to... to make... me... do horrible... horrible... things...

Thor: Shh... you’re safe... I’m here... go to sleep...

*Loki’s eyes close. Nonetheless, he continues to mutter quietly*

Loki: No... don’t... want to...

*Thor rubs his arm*

Loki: Thanos... coming...

Thor: Shh...

*Loki falls still. Strange cocks his head*

Strange: You knew what he saw. How?

Thor: I could see it in his eyes... exhaustion... confusion... fear... fear the likes of which I’ve only seen in his eyes once before... when staring at the remains of the scepter... and he was shielding his heart rather than his face... Thanos knows to go for the head...

Strange: The scepter will work on anyone who has a heart...

*Thor nods and sighs*

Part VII: Pain

Strange: Wow... I... I knew it was bad, but never thought...

*Thor says nothing. His fists are clenched. His eyes are in the shadows. The corner of his mouth twitches. He looks... angry*

Strange: Thor? What’s wrong?

*a tear rolls down Thor’s cheek*

Thor(quietly): Don’t leave me behind... please...

Strange: Thor?

*Thor sinks to his knees, lets his head fall onto Loki’s chest, and sobs, clutching a fistful of his shirt.*

Thor: Don’t leave me behind like Mother and father did. Like Heimdall and the warriors three... like Hela... Don’t leave me here alone...

*he sobs shakily*

Thor: I cannot take anymore... I don’t want to be alone again...

Strange: Thor...

*Loki’s eyes open slightly. He rambles delusionally.*

Loki: Thor... they... they... hurt you...

*thor sniffs*

Thor: No, Loki... I’m not hurt... but I’m not fine either...

*strange sighs*

Strange: Look. I promised you a diagnosis. His fever is higher than anything I’ve even heard of before now. I theorize it’s caused by the massive energy release created by the dark energy coursing through his veins. Including thermal energy. That combined with his body trying to fight the foreign entity introduced to his system caused an unusually high fever. So high it could kill a regular man. Which explains why his hallucinations are so vivid and consistent. If his temperature is always above the point required to start fever dreams and hallucinations, they just don’t stop. Which means Loki is stuck in la-la land for a while. Except, more like a horror version.

*Thor, despite himself, sobs. Loki, who bears a distressed expression across his sweaty features, mutters*

Loki: No... don’t... don’t hurt him... I have... what you... you want...

*Thor sighs. He has to be strong when Loki cannot. He mustn’t give into despair. His brother needs him. So for now, he’s going to have to put his fear aside and step up. He’s the mighty Thor! He can put on a brave face until it’s over. And what happens will happen. Crying instead of doing will help nothing. He tries to speak calmly*

Thor(softly): Loki... it’s alright... I’m alright... we’re safe...

*Loki looks at him tiredly. A tear rolls out the corner of his eye*

Loki: No... please... please stop...

*he cries shakily.*

Thor: Loki... I’m alright... I promise you I am...

*Loki gasps convulsively, and when he exhales coughs and cries.*

Strange: Do you know what he sees?

*Thor nods sadly. Loki suddenly cries louder*

Thor: There is no danger...

*he brushes the hair out of Loki’s eyes. He combs his fingers through his hair gently. Loki’s cries grow softer. He coughs.*

Loki: Thor...

Thor: I’m right here...

*Loki, successfully soothed by his brother, begins to drift off, having cried himself to exhaustion. Within seconds, he’s fast asleep. Nonetheless, Thor continues to stroke his forehead with his cool hands. He doesn’t stir.*

Strange: Thor-

Thor: I trust you know how Thanos got the tesseract... I believe his exact words were “The tesseract or your brother’s head”... I was too weak to save myself. He held me by the head. Loki tried to stay strong, knowing that if he gave up the tesseract he put the entire universe at risk. He told him no. But alas, he brought the power stone to my temple. And... I screamed. It was too much for him... Loki gave in at the sound of my cries... he tried to trick him... but it was futile... Thanos got the tesseract... and killed him...

*he sighs. His voice breaks slightly*

Thor: I think what he saw... was me screaming at the hands of Thanos...

Strange: Oh...

*Loki murmurs softly*

Loki: Brother...

Part VIII: Sleepwalking

*that night, Strange sits in the room near the sleeping brothers, waiting patiently. He had insisted on staying to study Loki’s behavior. Strange nods and yawns. It’s late. Suddenly, Loki’s eyes open. They shine purple once again. He stands up weakly.*

Strange: Loki?

*Loki grabs the post of his bed and pants. Strange can tell he can barely move. Strange stands up and waves his crippled hand in front of his unblinking eyes.*

Strange: Odd...

*Loki staggers forward*

Strange: You’re in a trance... just like Thor said...

*Loki stops and coughs. He suddenly falls to his knees and forward, coughing violently. Thor wakes with a start.*

Thor: Loki!

*he stands up and runs to his brother*

Thor: Loki, are you alright? Say something!

*Thor turns him on his back. He’s out cold.*

Thor: Loki! Can you hear me?

*Loki’s eyes open slightly. He mumbles almost unintelligibly*

Loki: I’m... I’m sorry... I’m sorry...

*Thor sighs with relief. His brother is still delirious, but not any worse than before. He hadn’t succeeded in letting more into his system*

Thor: There’s nothing to be sorry for, Brother... you’re alright...

*he stands, holding Loki’s limp figure in his arms. Loki’s head rests against him. He sets him back in his bed. He slips his hand under Loki’s head, allowing him to rest on his hand. Loki nestles his head in Thor’s rough palm and begins to fall asleep*

Thor: That’s it...

*when he’s asleep, Thor mutters*

Thor: Any theories?

Strange: I see no reason for worry. He’s too weak to let more in. As to why he’s trying to, I have my suspicions. I think it’s a mixture between being confused, and thusly just doing what he’s been doing instinctively, and the magic temporarily and partially taking him over so it may grow. Causing him to subconsciously let more in. Using him as a puppet to preserve itself. Like a parasite using its host. But he’s too weak to even get two steps away from his bed, so I doubt he can get to the bookshelf.

Thor: And there’s no way to fix this?

Strange: Not that I know of. The few people who have also had this ailment didn’t live to tell the tale...

*Thor sighs*

Strange: But... none of them were like you two... where there’s a will, there’s a way... I’ll keep looking. For now, all you need to do is take care of him... be there for him... he’s confused and scared... but somehow you know how to put him at ease...

Thor: Of course I do... I'm his big brother... I am the only one he has left, I am supposed to be the man he looks up to... I am supposed to be everything Mother and Father were and more...

*Thor sighs*

Thor: You’re right. He’s going to be fine, that’s just how it is! If I cannot directly fix this, I’ll do what I can do and I’ll do it right! Because that’s what heroes do!

*Strange grins. Loki’s eyes open, and for the first time since this all started, he smiles weakly*

Loki: Brother... you’re... here...

Thor: Yes, Loki. I am here for you. And no matter how confused you become, or what you see, I will always be here, behind every hallucination, every dream, to help you.

*Loki’s eyes close and he passes out. Thor sighs and smiles softly.*

Thor: Thank you for the help, Strange. I’ve got it covered here if you can go read up on a cure. I’ll just sleep on the floor tonight.

*he chuckles. His hand is still under Loki’s head. Strange nods and summons a portal. He steps through and it closes behind him. Thor leans against the side of Loki’s bed and whispers*

Thor: Sweet dreams, Brother...

*the next morning, Thor gets up bright and early to check Loki’s temperature. He looks at the thermometer and frowns*

Thor: Odin’s beard, it’s no wonder you’re delirious... that must be a record...

*he puts the thermometer down and pours some medicine. He shakes Loki awake*

Thor: Here. Take this, then you can rest...

*he pours the contents of the spoon through his parted lips. Loki’s eyes close. Thor wipes Loki’s face with a wet washcloth. He sighs. Meanwhile, Dr. Strange is still in bed. Wong calls from the other room*

Wong: Wake up, Stephen! You promised to work on a cure!

Strange: Five more minutes...

*twenty minutes later, Wong calls again*

Wong: Strange! Get up!

Strange: In a minute...

Wong: I made breakfast.

*there’s a long silence*

Strange: It’s not oatmeal again, is it?

Wong: It’s pancakes.

Strange: Mmkay, fine...

*he rolls out of bed. Back with the brothers, Thor is bustling around the room, trying to care for his sick brother and talk to Tony and Peter, who had come in. He grabs a blanket off the shelf and drapes it over Loki, who is shivering, before going to wet the washcloth again*

Tony: You wanna slow down for two seconds, Point Break?

Thor: I’m listening.

Tony: Bruce told me he’s been rambling. What’s that about?

Thor: Fever’s high. Delirium. Very bad delirium.

Tony: So he’s acting crazy... can I wake him up and get a video?

Thor: Stark.

Tony: It’s a fair question.

Thor: No, you cannot. It’s hard enough to keep him calm and resting as it is, especially with you shaking him awake and pointing a camera at him. Is this another attempt at humor, Stark?

Peter: Buuuuuuurn...

Tony: Who’s side are you on, Kid?

Peter: I choose not to take sides.

Part IX: Research

*back at the Sanctum, Strange sits eating pancakes. He sips his coffee and reads a book*

Wong: Have you started yet?

Strange: Yes, Wong, I’ve started. Geez...

Wong: What books do you have?

Strange: “Dark Sorcery and the Forbidden arts”, “Magic Ailments and Cures”, and “Anti-curses Volumes I-IV”. Haven’t had much luck yet.

Wong: I’ll keep looking for more books.

Strange: Sounds good. Hold this, please.

*he holds up his coffee cup, and the corner of his cape grabs it. He lets go, his cape holding the mug, licks his finger, and turns the page. He grabs the coffee cup back*

Strange: Thank you.

*meanwhile, Thor is still bustling around. Suddenly, the hair on the back of Peter’s neck stands up*

Peter: Mr. Thor, don’t-!

*Thor accidentally knocks a book off the nightstand. He winces*

Thor: Oh, shoot...

*it hits the ground with a thud. Loki stirs.*

Loki: Thor...

*Thor sighs. Tony pulls out his phone and starts recording. Thor rolls his eyes.*

Thor: Hey, Loki... it’s ok...

Loki: Thor...

Tony: Hey. Hey, Loki. What’s going on?

*he gets closer, filming. Loki’s eyes open slightly*

Loki: I’m... sorry... I’m... s... sorry...

*tony raises one eyebrow and lowers his phone slightly. Loki, in complete delirium, rambles*

Loki: No... no...

Tony: Frosty? You alright, bud?

Thor: No, he’s not alright! He’s delirious!

Loki: Help... Wasn’t me.. wasn’t... me... Thanos... Thanos... made me... NO!

*He sits bolt upright, panting, before his eyes roll up. Thor puts his hand behind Loki’s back and he falls limp. Thor lays him back. He mumbles, his eyes now closed*

Loki: Don’t... be angry... at... me...

Thor: No one is angry, Brother...

Loki: So many... so many people... died...

*his eyes suddenly open*

Loki: Thor... Thor did I... did I hurt...

Thor: It’s ok... it’s ok...

*Loki’s eyes close halfway*

Loki: I want... to... to go home...

Thor: We will... one day... but not today... not today... I promise... sleep now, Brother... for me...

*Loki’s eyes close. Tony turns off his phone, no longer smiling.*

Tony: That... that’s bad... really bad...

Thor: I told you...

Tony: Thor, I- I’m sorry, I- I didn’t think...

Thor: I know you didn’t, Stark. Just... just...

*he sighs and looks at Loki*

Thor: Strange had better hurry...

*back at the Sanctum, Strange is holding multiple books up at a time with his magic. He groans*

Strange: Wong!

Wong: What is it?

Strange: I’m gonna die if I read another book that reaps no results!

*Wong sighs*

Wong: There’s one more... from the restricted section...

Strange: Uggggghhhh.

*Wong hands him the book. He takes the leather straps off of it and opens it. Meanwhile, Thor is sitting by his brother’s side and rubbing his arm gently as he rambles, his eyes still closed*

Loki: Thor... Thor, don’t leave... I didn’t know... he made me... and he... he tortured me... he... the scepter... the... scepter... then... then...

Thor: I know... I know...

*Thor listens patiently. Tony sits quietly in the chair with his chin and mouth resting in his hand. He watched intently. Peter is no longer in the room.*

Thor: You don’t have to stay, Tony...

Tony: No... no, I know I don’t... it’s just... this was the man who pulled a coup in Asgard, stole one of the most important items on earth, and harnessed its power to open an inter-dimensional portal to let an army of brutal aliens he could completely control in! The man who saved Asgard and helped defeat Thanos! The man who can hold a raw infinity stone in his bare hands... reduced to this... I don’t know... it’s... it’s sad, I guess... scary...

*Thor rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs. He bites his lip. Tony sighs*

Tony: N-not scary, I didn’t mean scary, he’s gonna be ok, just- just...

Thor: He’s fading away... He wasn’t this bad, he’s getting worse... He can’t snap out of it... He can’t remember... The hallucinations are getting worse, more vivid, more scary... He’s stuck in his own head... He isn’t here anymore... He isn’t here...

*Thor sighs.*

Thor: If that is not scary... I don’t know what is...

*he rubs Loki’s sweaty forehead with the washcloth. Tony sighs.*

Tony: What’s important to my teammates is important to me... you’re not alone in this...

Thor: I know... I never was...

Part X: Shadow

*Loki continues to mumble incoherently*

Thor: I know you’re fever makes you restless, but you must try to relax. You’re overexerting yourself.

*he doesn’t seem to have heard him. Thor groans*

Thor: I can’t keep him asleep for five minutes! He needs to rest to get better!

Loki: Didn’t... didn’t want to... made me...

*tears begin to fall from the corners of his eyes. Thor sighs*

Thor: Hey. Hey, don’t cry...

*he wipes Loki’s tears*

Thor: I know... I know... shh...

*Thor sighs.*

Thor: Please... you need to rest...

*Loki doesn’t listen.*

Loki: Thor... help... her...

*Thor shakes his head and smiles softly*

Thor: Despite your differences, you are our father’s son. Protecting your family until the very end. But there is nothing to protect them from. So I ask you to please rest, for your own sake.

*suddenly, a portal opens, and Strange enters. His expression looks grim*

Thor: So?...

*strange sighs*

Strange: I’ve got nothing. I looked in every book in all three sanctums. I’m sorry, Thor...

*Thor sighs. Deep down he knew. He just wanted to somehow believe it couldn’t be true. There’s a long silence. Tony suddenly looks up*

Tony: Wait. You said you checked every book in the sanctums. But what about the book stolen from the Sanctum? The book that did this to him in the first place!

*strange meets Thor’s eyes*

Strange: I have been outsmarted by Tony Stark. Kill me now.

*tony snickers.*

Thor: What are you waiting for? Come on!

*he stands up and approaches the bookshelf. He reaches up, then stops. Strange walks up behind him*

Strange: Well?

Thor: I don’t remember which book to pull.

Strange: Great. Just great.

Thor: I remember it was big and maybe blue... I don’t know... maybe this one?

*he pulls one. It doesn’t work. He tries another. Then another. Finally, he pulls one and the door opens. Strange walks up to the pedestal and picks up the book*

Strange: Alright. I’ll take this back to the Sanctum and see what I can find... But... I wouldn’t get my hopes up...

Thor: I know...

*Strange nods and exits through a portal. Thor watches the bookshelf close. He suddenly hears Loki stir again. He sighs and walks back up to Loki. He sits down. Loki rambles incoherently*

Loki: No... No...

Thor: It’s...

*he sighs and looks at the floor. His shoulders heave and his tears fall freely*

Thor: It’s not alright... it’s not... I can’t keep this up anymore... this is your last hope... if Strange doesn’t find anything...

*he sobs*

Thor: What am I going to do?... I feel helpless... It’s times like these when I wish I was more like Father... I can’t lose you... What am I going to do?

*he suddenly feels a cold, shaking hand on his. He looks up. Loki is looking at him intently. Loki just sighs and looks rather sad. Behind his confusion, Thor has a feeling Loki can sense something is amiss.*

Thor: I’m sorry, Loki... I’m sorry...

Loki: Brother...

*Thor looks down at his brother’s shaking, black hand and squeezes it gently.*

Thor: Promise me this... promise me that if you do make it out of this... if you do return to normal... you won’t stop looking to me... it shouldn’t take delirium to make you ask me for help when you need it... I know you’re prideful... but if any part of this experience has been even remotely good... it’s you finally letting me be your big brother...

*he recalls what he said to Strange. he sighs*

Thor: I'm the only one you have left, I'm supposed to be the man you look up to... I'm supposed to be everything Mother and Father were and more... it’s what I’m here for...

*Loki nods slowly. Thor smiles. Loki’s brief and vague awareness of his surroundings doesn’t last long. His eyes slowly glass over once more. Thor sighs*

Loki: Thor...

Thor: I’m here... and I always will be...

*meanwhile, strange is flipping through the book. Suddenly his eyes go wide.*

Strange: Wong! I may have found something...

*suddenly, with the others, Thor gets a phone call from strange. He instantly picks up, fumbling with his phone*

Thor: Hello?

Strange: Hey, Thor... um... question.

Thor: Yeah?

Strange: Didn’t you say Asgard was destroyed?

Thor: Yes.

Strange: Like, completely?

Thor: Yes.

Strange: There’s nothing left?

Thor: Yes, Strange.

Strange: Oh...

Thor: What’s wrong?

Strange: Well, you see, I found something. It reads: “If a curse to you this knowledge has brought, and woe are you, with perils wrought, Look for hope to the realm of light, for you’ll find your salvation in all its might. As right to wrong, and day to night, what you need is the opposite of dark; the realm's light. Take from its core its lifeblood pure, and mercy will be bestowed upon you; a cure.”... And below it... is Asgard’s crest...

Thor: But... Asgard was destroyed... and...

*he suddenly hangs up and completes his thought*

Thor: And it’s because of me... because of me, Asgard is gone...

*he sobs. There is nothing to console his guilt and grief. It’s over. It’s all over. There is nothing to be done. Loki only has a few more days. And then... his death is inevitable... Thor has never felt so helpless in his life. All he can do is watch his only family slowly and painfully die... and know he has no one to blame but himself... the world feels still. Quiet. Numb. He has never felt so alone. He can faintly hear Tony asking if he’s alright. He can’t bring himself to answer. All he can do is sob and squeeze Loki’s hand.*

Thor: I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...

Tony: Thor...

*Thor cries out in anguish. He holds Loki’s hand up to his forehead and sobs for what feels like an eternity. When he has cried until he can cry no more, he mutters, sniffing*

Thor: Don’t forget about me, alright... only one son of Odin shall have left this world by the next full moon... but he will have taken his brother’s heart with him... the world will remember you as a hero, Loki... always...

Part XI: Lifeblood

*the next few days go by far too quickly, Loki only getting worse and worse. The darkness creeping up his neck has begun to creep across his face. He is so confused at this point, he doesn’t even know Thor is there. He mumbles far less from exhaustion. But when he does he pleads for his brother. His pulse is weak and uneven. His breathing is shaky. He’s on the verge of death. Finally, on his worst day yet, Loki mutters in a strained voice*

Loki: Thor... Thor... I need to... tell you...

Thor: What is it, Loki?

Loki: Asgard...

*he trails off*

Thor: Loki? Loki?!

*Thor shakes him. He doesn’t react. He doesn’t breathe. His skin goes cold. Thor sobs*

Thor: No... no, no!...

*he shakes him. He feels his pulse. It’s slowly petering out... he sobs softly. Thunder crashes outside and rain begins to pour in the dark sky, the atmosphere reacting to Thor’s grief. With the last of the breath in his lungs, Loki whispers five words*

Loki: Asgard... is not... a place...

*there’s a long silence as Thor has a realization*

Thor: It’s a people... and the core...

*he suddenly stands up and grabs Loki’s dagger. He slits his arm, letting his blood drip down over Loki. He holds his breath, hoping beyond all hope he’s right... Nothing happens. He sighs and sobs quietly. Lightning strikes outside*

Thor: No...

*All of the sudden, the blood that had fallen on Loki begins to glow. It shines with every color of the rainbow and more. It seems to be slowly absorbing the darkness in Loki. Thor watches as it slowly begins to retreat. The blood begins to glow so bright, Thor has to look away. When the light finally dies down, and Thor looks back, Loki’s hand is back to normal. The shadows under his eyes are gone. But he still does not breathe. Thor sobs*

Thor: We were too late...

*Thor falls to his knees and sobs. He lets his head fall on Loki’s chest. The wind outside picks up. It’s an all out thunder storm. He cries for what feels like hours. But as he’s mourning, he hears a thump... then another... and another. A heartbeat. Thor’s eyes go wide. He’s wary. Can it really be? He suddenly hears a gasp, then a hoarse voice*

Loki: Why... do you despair... Brother...

*Thor looks up to see his brother smiling weakly. There’s a long silence. All of the sudden Thor lunges at Loki... tackle hugging him. He sobs*

Thor: Loki! Brother, you’re alive! You’re alright! I thought I lost you! Don’t you ever do that to me again! I’m sick of it!

Loki: Wh... what happened?... It feels like I just woke from a nightmare...

*Thor sobs as the clouds disappear and the sun shines through the window*

Thor: The feeling is mutual... don’t worry, Brother... everything is fine now...

*Loki looks confused. He sighs and smiles, hugging his sobbing brother back*

Loki: There there... it’s going to be alright...

Thor: I know...

*there’s a long silence*

Loki: Hm... It’s funny... I seem to remember making a promise... Big brother...

*Thor smiles*

Thor: Good...

*Thor suddenly sits up excitedly*

Thor: I just got an idea. Ok, I’m going to video call everyone, you be super quiet.

*he sets up a group call with all the avengers.*

Thor: Ok, ok, Shh!

*one by one they pick up to see Thor’s grim expression and tear stained face. Wanda puts her hand over her mouth. Tony sighs. Peter looks away. Bruce hangs his head. Strange rubs the bridge of his nose. The Valkyrie shakes her head and sobs. All of the sudden, Thor cracks a small smile and turns the phone. Loki smiles and waves at the camera. Several cheers and screams of delight come from the phone.*

Strange: I don’t understand! I thought you said Asgard was destroyed!

Thor: Yes, well, your little book was quite literal.

*he shows his arm*

Strange: Ooh. Ouch.

Thor: Yep. But well worth it’s weight in gold.

*Loki smiles. He’s still a little bit confused, but, he has a feeling he knows roughly what happened while he was out of it. He looks down at his hands. They’re back to normal. He sighs as he gradually recalls some things Thor had said. Thor hangs up and turns back to Loki, smiling. His smile vanishes when he sees Loki crying softly. He walks up and sits on the edge of his bed*

Thor: Hey. What’s wrong?

Loki: I know I don’t deserve it. The care you gave me... I’ve done so much I can never begin to justify... heck, I’m the one who’s foolishness got us into this mess... but... you never left my side... at least from the vague bits I can remember... you took care of me, you wiped my tears... you listened... I don’t know... I guess just feel lucky... lucky to have you always there to confide in... you said it since the beginning... I guess it just took delirium to make me truly see it...

*Thor smiles*

Thor: And you’d better not forget it...

Thor and Loki will return...

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